
Keystone Habits and the Domino Effect

Keystone Habits and the Domino Effect

As a child, I remember creating long, elaborate lines of dominoes just to watch how a slight push on the first domino could set off a chain reaction that caused the next domino to collapse, and then the next until they all collapsed.

As I grew older, I learned that this phenomenon, known as the domino effect, has been pervasive throughout history. Brutal, large-scale wars have begun as a result of singular events that have then led to more violent reactions.

More recently, however, I learned how it could apply to my personal life. Growing up, you might have heard your parents express the importance of drinking eight glasses of water a day, eating your greens, and exercising regularly.

I know I did and when I was younger, I simply thought that they were nagging me to do these activities that researchers and doctors had once upon a time declared were good for me. Only as I grew older did I realize the significance of developing these keystone habits at a young age.

In his book The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg discusses the pivotal concept of “keystone habits,” or establishing routine habits that ensure a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Practicing these habits leads to adopting other beneficial habits, allowing you to make improvements in all aspects of your life. Essentially, practicing a keystone habit sets off a domino effect, magnifying the impact of this habit, which can be seen as the first domino.

Here are some important keystone habits that can serve as a foundation for success:

1. Making your bed in the morning According to Duhigg, making your bed in the morning is associated with better productivity, wellness, and budgeting skills. He also believes that those who make their bed each morning are more likely to own their own home, drawing attention to how a small activity like this could lead to a large difference between those who do and do not perform it.

2. Consistent Exercise

Duhigg writes that consistent exercise goes hand in hand with better eating habits, as well as leads to productivity gains and a decrease in stress. Personally, I have experienced how exercise has the power to revolutionize my lifestyle: during seasons where I play a sport, I reach towards more nutritious foods, use the sport as an outlet for stress, and am able to sleep better after expelling nervous energy.

3. Establishing a morning routine

If you wake up at the same time every morning and follow through with the same routine, you will be less likely to “wake up on the wrong side of the bed.” The development of a routine that you enjoy ensures greater happiness and less stress. Furthermore, you will adjust your night routine accordingly so you can get enough sleep to wake up at the right time.

4. Making a schedule for the rest of your day

Planning out your day ensures that you allot time for all the activities that you would like to get done on that day. It also allows you to set aside time for keystone habits, such as exercise and family dinners. When you plan out your day, you tend to be more productive and less stressed out because you can partition and focus on one thing at a time.

5. Family dinners

The benefits of having family dinners might seem less obvious than the others, but it is just as important. Duhigg writes that families that eat together are able to develop a stronger connection to their children and are more willing to help with homework. This leads to better grades and better overall confidence in children as they are aware of the guidance and support provided by their parents.

Along with these five keystone habits, Duhigg highlights numerous other keystone habits that have been connected to lowering stress and anxiety, developing confidence, and improving productivity. These benefits are supplemented by various other good side effects, which you can experience for yourself by adopting these keystone habits.

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