
Facebook Marketing

You shuold be viewing your advertising as R&D, not just as another pay-to-win channel. It's consumer research, surveying, and then finding the right match. You have to find your audience at the right place, and communicate to them in a sustainable way.

Not Imploading Your CPA

Contrary to popular belief, having great designs aren't necessarily what drives the highest CTR for your Facebook ads. To specify, just because a lifestyle photo looks amazing, and represents your brand well, doesn't mean it's going to be an effective ad creative. Instead, you generally want something that can immediately display your value proposition. Some quick examples would be "earn passive income" or "upgrade professonial networking."

To reiterate, lifestyle images, with too much movement, or photos that are too zommed out don't work too great. You generally want a bright contrasted background (orange, purple, etc.). Another way is to have creatives that are a bit mysterious, and not narrow down what your intent is too obviously.

You should always be testing your creatives with different versions as well. Run 5 to 10 different versions of your creative with diffrent variations of copy in order to isolate down what part of your ad is driving the most clicks.

Getting Started with Facebook Ads You're going to find product-market fit for your advertising for different audiences. Sometimes the audience that you think really wants your product, and will be what succeeds the most is completely different than reality. Test what audiences respond best to your ads, and then build for these audiences.

You'll eventually land on one thing that works exceptionally well, and often times this will be something you that you didn't expect. Make sure to optimize and scale this winner at a predicatable cost and yield.

For example, at first our initial opinion of people who would resonate the best with our ads were technology-forward workers within the 18 to 24 age range, located in concentrated cities on the west coast. However, we found more success in the East, mainly Florida, with workers aged 25+.

You can get traffic to your site very easily through Facebook ads, but if you ask Facebook just to send you traffic you'll get very low quality people.

You want to instrument different facebook events. Such as add to cart, view content, page view, purchase/subscribe. Once you have these events set up, you ask Facebook to optimize for one of them, and this will bring higher quality people.

Keep messaging consistent on the ads then iterate on the copy later rounds. Make sure you pay attention to your comments and respond!

You will likely find one creative that constantly outperforms all of your other ones. This will likely work for years, which means your focus (aside from running this) should be working on testing more and more assets until you can create one that consistently delivers 30% or better results. This will be your baseline ad. Develop some knowledge as to why it's working the best, and then continue optimizing it (audience, copy, placement, etc.)

To give a case study, we had a situation where users would sign up after seeing one of our viral tik toks, download our app, sign up, but realize they needed a physical product as well in order to use our app.

We wanted to make sure we brought them to our website without driving our CPC more than ~$1.

We began testing different copies, here are some quick things we found.

  1. Generally a couple of short words added can make a big difference at scale. Emojis work great, but always test short-worded copy.

  2. Once you slowly find success, isolate down the targeting to your top performing age groups.

  3. You'll also find that there will be certain times (generally mornings) where your ads will perform the best. You can optimize your ads so that they start and end between these times.

  4. Instagram videos work slightly better, you can do a carousel which includes something like 4 different colors, or 4 steps in signing up, or 4 different testimonials. Short copy with emjois, separate company name and copy for better readability.

  5. Videos will generally have higher CTR but these audiences aren't as motivated to convert.

  6. Choose more niche interests rather than broad. Don't choose "real estate industry," and instead choose "Compass."

  7. Lookalike audiences is very effective. Let's say you have 10,000 customers, and 2,000 are high value. Try to grab as information as you have on these customers, upload it to facebook, and then it builds a lookalike audience from 1% to 10%. Make sure minimum number people matched on list is at least 500 to 1000.

For retargeting, do something like "12 ways to fix ____". Retarget the people who click the ads and stayed on the page for more than X minutes. This body of people will go higher.

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